CO2 Emissions – How are we off setting each international volunteers emissions

We have a specific focus on the Spekboom habitat, due to its abnormal quality of removing approximately 10 times more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than for instance plants in the amazon forest.


Hectare for hectare, Spekboom thicket is ten times more effective than the Amazon rainforest at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One hectare of Spekboom can remove between four and ten tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Research indicates that pristine thicket areas within South Africa hold more carbon compared to transformed or over-grazed land. Further to this, there are specific plant species that have particularly effective levels of absorption under semi-arid conditions (or sequestration as it is known scientifically).

One of the most effective plants is the Spekboom, (scientific name Portulacaria Afra). Our partner Buffelsdrift Reserve is rich in spekboom habitat and has launched a project to facilitate the regeneration of previously farmed land and erosion areas on the reserve through the planting of Spekboom. In order to maintain heterogeneity of the area, additional plant species are planted.  Over 2000 spekboom trees have been planted over the years to fight erosion, however, with the help of volunteers, this project will expand exponentially.

Yoga 2 Africa will assist with the project in Cape Town.


To enable volunteers to achieve a net zero carbon-emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount offset.


The challenge is to locate suitable and available land for spekboom plantations. Planting spekboom can be expensive and the plant grows slowly. It also means that we must take a leap of faith, converting income producing land into something that creates long-term value.



  • To locate and reserve land for spekboom plantation in the local area.
  • To promote the positive effects of spekboom on your land and the value it holds.
  • By offering the opportunity to every visitor to plant a spekboom before leaving South Africa.



To fix the ecosystem instead of being just a victim of global warming, we can be part of a solution and setting an example the rest of the world can follow. For us, this is the opportunity to change mindsets, and that anyone can be part of the solution by just one small action.